Uniformed Services University President Visits ISR Last Month

Charles L. Rice, MD, FACS, president, Uniformed Services University, Patrick D. Sculley, Maj. Gen. (Ret), Sr. Vice President, University Programs, USUHS, and Col. Robert Thompson, Chief of Staff, USUHS, visited the U.S. Army Institute for Surgical Research Burn Center Feb. 17. During this visit, they met with USUHS teaching faculty assigned to the USAISR, USUHS students training in San Antonio and patients recovering from severe burns.
Rice also presented plaque to the USAISR Burn Center in appreciation for long and continued support of education of 3rd and 4th year medical students. In making the presentation, Rice emphasized the important role that the Burn Center plays in the education of future military medical officers. He said, "The Burn Center has an important Department of Defense mission in both peace and war and is instrumental in educating young medical department officers of all three Services. USUHS is here today to acknowledge your contributions to our nation and thank you for your continuing support."
Accepting the plaque on behalf of the USAISR Burn Center was its Director, Lt. Col. (P) Evan M. Renz, MD, FACS, who thanked Dr Rice for the plaque, stating, "The entire staff of the Burn Center is grateful for this recognition and is proud to be affiliated with USUHS."
Sculley recently established the University's new office in San Antonio to facilitate ongoing collaboration between the USUHS, San Antonio Military Medical Center and other military medical training and research elements in San Antonio.