U.S. Army Medical Materiel Agency Soldier reviews the Simplified Automated Ventilator

The Army is fielding a brand new field expedient ventilator called the Simplified Automated Ventilator or SAVe. This ventilator is being introduced as the new portable ventilating system to medics in the field.
It's durable, light weight design with an inlet port that is nearly impossible to occlude, makes it ideal for use in Overseas Contingency Operations. The two models currently being fielded will deliver either 600 ml of oxygen per ten breathes or 600 ml of oxygen per 12 breaths. The electronic make up of the unit is equally as simple, and operates in one mode, either on or off.
The unit has two circuit boards, one for the battery charging circuit, and one for the on/off switch and display circuit, making this medical device an easy unit to repair for biomedical equipment specialists. The durability of this unit extended the maintenance interval from other ventilators from semi-annual to annually, reducing maintenance costs and equipment down time. It's as simple as connecting the vent to a test lung via the patient circuit, and then connecting it to a computer with the new view software and copying your summary to the manufactures specific test sheet.
Units are now more efficient in the field, rather than having a medic manually operate the bag valve mask (also known as a BVM or Ambu bag) on a wounded Soldier, the medic can connect the SAVe ?plug and play? style, and move on to the next patient but, the SAVe still must be monitored. This ventilator is an excellent piece of medical equipment that will help save lives on the battlefield.