Maj. Gen James Gilman honored with Mount St. Mary's University President's Medal
Maj. Gen James Gilman, U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command and Fort Detrick commander,
was honored with the Mount St. Mary's University President's Medal during the commencement
ceremony May 15. The medal is presented to individuals who embody the University's calling and
promise of "Faith, Discovery, Leadership and Community." University President Thomas Powell
remarked, "Your tireless and selfless contributions to the field of medical research, as well
as your dedication to both serve and protect the Constitution of our United States, truly
epitomize the very foundation of this prestigious University," during the graduation ceremony.
The President's Medal is one of the highest awards Mount St. Mary's University presents and is
only bestowed upon exceptional individuals. The award recognizes outstanding individuals whose
dedication and contributions have improved the community. Each of the award winners' names is
added to a permanent plaque, which hangs in Bradley Hall at the University.
Last Modified Date: 22-May-2023