6th Medical Logistics Management Center Receives Safety Awards

Col. Michael J. Talley, commander of the 6th Medical Logistics Management Center, and his team were presented with several awards on behalf of the U.S. Army by Maj. Gen. James K. Gilman, commanding general of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command July 3. The 6MLMC was honored for its outstanding safety performance from June 2008 to October 2011.
Gilman extended his thanks and appreciation to the 6MLMC for the hard work and dedication to the safety culture of the U.S. Army and USAMRMC. Gilman cited the letter he received from Gen. William T. Wolf, director of Army Safety, lauding the 6MLMC for their efforts, adding that Wolf "knows what he's doing" and that 6MLMC's sustained focus is recognized.
As a part of this recognition, the unit was bestowed with the following awards:
The U.S. Army Exceptional Organization Safety Award, presented to organizations which have been selected by command leadership for demonstrating effective overall safety programs.
The U.S. Army Composite Risk Management Award, presented for significant contributions to Army Safety through the use of the Composite Risk Management process to create an accident-free work environment. As an organization, the 6MLMC has sustained a 100 percent completion rate of CRM training for the last 36 months.
The U.S. Army Accident Prevention Award of Accomplishment, presented for adherence to the CRM processes resulting in zero accidents during multiple deployments and redeployments in support of Operations Iraqi Freedom/Enduring Freedom and New Dawn during the 2008-11 time period.
The Army Safety Excellence Streamer, presented to those units that have completed at least 12 consecutive months without a Soldier/unit at fault in a Class A or B accident.
Following the presentation of the awards, Gilman thanked the 6MLMC and reminded everyone in attendance to continue the culture of safety with a safe and fun July 4th holiday.