USAMMCE Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony 2012

To kick off the holiday season, the team from the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center, Europe and their families enjoyed a fun-filled afternoon at the USAMMCE Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony Dec. 7. Even the weather was very "Christmas-y," as the snow transformed Husterhoeh Kaserne in Pirmasens, Germany, into a winter wonderland.
Col. Thomas C. Slade, USAMMCE commander, began the celebration with opening remarks, and Maj. Bradley Damschen offered the invocation. This was followed by a slide show and a moment of silence to pay tribute to the victims of the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
Adding more fun to the afternoon's festivities, the USAMMCE Carolers, with help from the audience, sang Christmas favorites, and one Soldier read the Christmas Story to those gathered.
But what would a Christmas celebration be without Santa Claus?
The children's faces lit up when Santa, portrayed by Raymond Berger, arrived to present gifts to both young and old. While the children received candy and toys, some USAMMCE division chiefs received gag gifts tailored to their "special needs and circumstances." The winner of the Christmas door decorating contest, judged earlier that morning, was announced as well.
In keeping with USAMMCE tradition, the Soldiers delivered some special entertainment for everyone's enjoyment. Some entered into a "Tacky Christmas Outfit" fashion show, and they presented a video of their version of "Gangnam Style" that had the audience roaring with laughter and applause.
Of course, there were plenty of Christmas cookies, punch, and hot cocoa for everyone. All attendees agreed that this very special holiday afternoon was very enjoyable.