USAMRMC Welcomes Back Col. James Tuten with a Promotion
Col. James Tuten thought he escaped the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command back in 2011 when he was reassigned to Natick, Mass., as product manager for Force Sustainment Systems. Little did he know, however, that just 18 months later he would be returning for round three. Switching gears from the materiel side, this time around Tuten will be heading up the Strategic Partnership Office, in charge of educational outreach, stakeholder relationships and serving as the USAMRMC representative to the National Interagency Confederation for Biological Research at Fort Detrick, Md.
Tuten is no stranger to the USAMRMC. He joined the command in 2006, serving first as the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Agency's deputy before stepping up as director of its Force Sustainment Directorate. This was followed by an assignment as the deputy director for Materiel at the USAMRMC, where he says he had to work with a number of colonels that refused to make slides or update metrics. This is probably why he was selected to lead the SPO.
When he is not working, Tuten says he enjoys exercising, eating, fishing, reading and discussing politics "calmly and rationally." You may not see a lot of him because headquarter employees that have offices in the basement are rarely seen above ground. But if you happen to venture into the cellar of headquarters, stop by and congratulate the colonel on his promotion and return to Fort Detrick, and spend a little time learning more about the USAMRMC Strategic Partnership Office.