Celebrating 125 Years of Medical Service to our Soldiers

In recognition of the 125th anniversary of the establishment of the U.S. Army Medical Department Enlisted Corps, Soldiers and leadership from the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command at Fort Detrick, Md., celebrated this historic milestone with a creative and educational contest across the command led by USAMRMC Command Sgt. Maj. Kevin B. Stuart.
The events of this highly energetic competition included road marches with Soldiers in period-correct war uniforms, an essay contest on the history of the Enlisted Corps, group recitation of General Order 29, the symbolic re-enlistment of troops, and the re-enactment of historical events over the past 125 years.
Capturing high honors among the submissions was a collection of "Army Values" posters designed and developed by team members from the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases. The posters highlight medical personnel depicting the various core values advocated and revered by the U.S. Army.
Stuart said, "I thank all who participated in recognizing the 125th anniversary of the AMEDD Enlisted Corps. I am very impressed with the spry attitude and engagement of your respective units in educating others regarding this historic achievement."
Winners of the contest were announced by Stuart March 1, with first place ending in a tie between USAMRIID and the U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research. Second place honors were given to the 6th Medical Logistics Management Center, while the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense garnered the third place award.
"General Order 29 empowered Army medics to be all we can be," said Stuart. "Look at us now and how far we have come along over the past 125 years."
Stuart emphatically praised the Soldiers with three simple words: Job well done!