Mary Profitt Receives Award for Superior Civilian Service

Mary Profitt received the Superior Civilian Service Medal for her contributions as the U.S. Forces-Afghanistan ground safety manager. The award was for the period of Jan. 24 - Sep. 13, 2012, and during this time, Profitt's efforts resulted in significant contributions to the effectiveness and success of the USFOR-A Safety Program. For the remainder of her deployment, Profitt will move from her current position to assume the role of safety manager for the entire Capital Region that falls under Task Force Centurion, which includes eight U.S. bases in the Kabul, Afghanistan, area.
Employed by the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, Fort Detrick, Md., Profitt is a Safety and Occupational Health Specialist in the USAMRMC Surety, Safety, and Environmental office.