6th MLMC Soldiers Return Home

Five Soldiers from the 6th Medical Logistics Management Center (MLMC), Detachment 11, returned home Feb. 7 after a nine-month deployment to Doha, Qatar. The detachment was deployed to support the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center-Southwest Asia (USAMMC-SWA), second largest medical supply and distribution center in the U.S. Army.
Family, friends, and leadership gathered with banners and balloons at the Baltimore-Washington International Airport in Maryland to welcome the troops home.
"We could not be more proud of the job these Soldiers have done over the past several months," said 6th MLMC Commander COL Mike Talley, who was at the airport to greet Soldiers as they came off their airplane.
USAMMC-SWA provides world class medical materiel, medical maintenance, medical logistics information management, and customer training support to more than 240 Department of Defense customers in support of Operations Enduring Freedom.