BRDSS Team Earns AMEDD Wolf Pack Award

The U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research Burn Resuscitation Decision Support System Team was selected as the winner of the prestigious U.S. Army Medicine Wolf Pack Award for the first quarter of fiscal year 2014.
"The Institute of Surgical Research was recognized for their development of the Burn Navigator, a FDA-approved device that allows burn patients to be more safely managed," Army Surgeon General and Commanding General of the Army Medicine Command Lt. Gen. Patricia D. Horoho stated in a message congratulating the winning team. "This technology is first-of-its-kind [and] assists clinicians with decision-making when managing fluid resuscitation of the severely burned patient."
According to USAISR Director of Research David G. Baer, Ph.D., the Burn Navigator, also known as the Burn Resuscitation Decision Support System-Mobile, is the only medical device to ever start as a research project within the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, and then go through advanced development, FDA clearance, and exit the decision gate process into fielding. Baer added the BRDSS-M fully has transitioned to Full Rate Production, which means the device has been manufactured and deployed to the field.
"The Army will buy and field the first nine devices, with additional purchases to follow for outfitting all units and training centers," added Baer. In addition to military use, several U.S. Burn centers are in the process of acquiring the device to assist in treating their most challenging patients.
"We are extremely proud of the efforts of this extraordinary team," added Col. (Dr.) Michael A. Weber, commander USAISR. "This team truly supports our mission of optimizing combat casualty care through their dedication to a device that will help save lives of those wounded on and off the battlefield."
The original BRDSS technology was developed for use at the USAISR Burn Center Intensive Care Unit about seven years ago. USAISR Research Task Area Program Manager for Comprehensive Intensive Care Research Jose Salinas, Ph.D, helped develop the BRDSS algorithm that generates recommendations of fluid intake for burn patients. It was designed to assist in avoiding problems related to over- or under-resuscitating by medical care providers who do not routinely care for burn patients. The Burn Navigator offers the tool in a mobile tablet that meets military specifications.
"This much needed medical capability represents a huge advancement in medical science that will benefit the Army Medical Department and the Nation well into the future," stated Horoho. "Congratulations to Team ISR for its vision and outstanding achievement!"
The Wolf Pack Award is a quarterly award presented by the Army Surgeon General/Commanding General, U.S. Army Medical Command, and acknowledges the team work of Department of Defense civilian and military health care teams to significantly advance Army Medicine.