USAMMA Civilian Earns Commander's Award
U.S. Army Medical Materiel Command's Force Projection Directorate Deputy Director Linda S. Foltz
earned the Commander's Award for Civilian Service. USAMMA Commander Col. Alex Lopez-Duke presented
the award during a ceremony Aug. 28. USAMMA is one of 12 subcommands of the U.S. Army Medical
Research and Materiel Command, the Army's medical materiel developer that focuses on medical research,
development and acquisition, and medical logistics management. USAMMA's mission is to develop, acquire,
provide, and sustain world class solutions and capabilities to enable medical readiness globally.
Accordingly, the USAMMA's principal skills and technologies focus on the medical logistician's role in
lifecycle management, sustaining and modernizing the medical force (Active, Guard, and Reserve),
supporting exercises and contingency operations, and promoting medical logistics information and knowledge.
(Photo by Ellen Crown, USAMRMC PAO)
Last Modified Date: 22-May-2023