USAMMCE Army Birthday Celebration and NCO Induction Ceremony

The time was 0630 on a beautiful sunny morning when Husterhoeh Kaserne in Pirmasens, Germany, the home of the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center, Europe, came to life.
Led by Col. Thomas C. Slade, USAMMCE commander, about 20 Soldiers and officers celebrated the Army's birthday with a Birthday Run. After the run, the commander and the most Junior Soldier cut the birthday cake.
Later that morning, USAMMCE conducted a Non-commissioned Officer Induction Ceremony, during which Sgt. Shelvia Greene and Sgt. Jojo Ada joined the ranks of the professional NCO Corps.
Induction ceremonies for NCOs are celebrated throughout the Army to mark this significant step forward in a Soldier's career. By being inducted into the Army NCO Corps, new members become part of a proud colorful history and a long tradition of professional excellence.