USAMMCE New Year's Reception 2013

The U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center, Europe hosted its Annual New Year's reception Jan. 26. Col. Thomas C. Slade, USAMMCE commander, welcomed nearly 140 guests from the host nation government, local communities, and German and U.S. military leaders.
After the commander's welcoming speech, Lt. Ruediger Leilich, a German Army Reservist, was promoted to Captain. Capt. Leilich said that he was very happy and proud to be promoted at USAMMCE.
Oberst (Col.) Rolf Stichling, commander of the Bundeswehr Rheinland Pfalz State Command, said, "Holding the promotion at the USAMMCE New Year's reception is a testimony of the friendship between the German and U.S. military, and especially between the local Reservist Chapter and USAMMCE."
The local Reservists participate in many partnership events with USAMMCE.
After the official part was concluded, the guests spent the afternoon socializing and making new friends. The U.S. Army Europe Army Band and Chorus Brass Quintet provided the afternoon's musical entertainment.