U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center, Europe Presents Check to Local Hospice

Col. Thomas C. Slade, commander of the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center, Europe, presented a check for €880.00 to Ms. Simone Jennewein, a representative from the local hospice on February 27. The majority of the money was donated by the employees of USAMMCE's Distribution and Transportation Division, with some donations coming from other divisions to include the USAMMCE leadership.
The idea of giving back to the community was born two years ago when D&T employees had money left over from their Christmas raffle. They spontaneously donated the money to a local children's foundation that provides after-school and meal services to underprivileged children. However, USAMMCE has been giving back to the community in various ways since 1975.
The once spontaneous idea turned into a plan to raise more money for another local charity during last year's Christmas season.
"Out of several suggestions, our committee picked the hospice, because they perform a humanitarian service by ensuring the dignity of the fatally ill during their final days," said Gerald Storfinger, D&T's Bin and inbound manager. "They have to operate on a very limited budget and can only survive with donations from the public."
Since its opening about 4 years ago, the six-bed facility is always filled to capacity, as it is the only institution of its kind within a 40-mile radius.
Ms. Jennewein thanked the commander and the employees for their generous donation.