Army Surgeon General Visits USAMRMC, Hosts Town Hall

Army Surgeon General and U.S. Army Medical Commander Lt. Gen. Patricia Horoho visited the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command at Fort Detrick May 30.
Horoho met with program experts in medical research and development, acquisition, and medical logistics management. She toured displays showcasing the USAMRMC's mission as a unique requirements-driven, full life cycle command that manages research, technology, development, acquisition, procurement and logistics, leveraging partnerships with industry, academia, and non-profit organizations.
Horoho also attended a board meeting for the National Interagency Confederation for Biological Research. The USAMRMC is a partner agency of the NICBR, which also includes the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases; the National Cancer Institute; the U.S. Department of Agriculture; the Agricultural Research Service; the Department of Homeland Security; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; the Naval Medical Research Center; and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
At an afternoon staff town hall meeting, Horoho addressed employee concerns about sequestration and its impact on the Army budget. She took the opportunity to talk to staff about civilian administrative furloughs, which are projected to start in early July. Horoho said that leadership worked very hard to avert furloughs entirely.
"None of us wanted to take this out on the backs of our civilian workforce," she said.
Horoho added that now is the time to prioritize, as we manage with limited resources.
She emphasized, "We don't expect you to do more with less."