Headquarters Celebrates Quarterly Awardees

MRMC headquarters hosted its quarterly awards ceremony followed by a potluck at building 810 Sept. 23, handing out awards to more than 25 military and civilian recipients.
Maj. Gen. Joseph Caravalho, Jr. kicked off the ceremony emphasizing the importance of recognizing the extraordinary achievements and dedication of awardees, or "super stars," as he proudly referred to the¬m. Awardees received honors ranging from the prestigious Meritorious Service Medal presented to Col. Dan Kral, Lt. Col. Philip Smith, and Maj. Sarah Goldman to certificates representing five years of service. Other awards handed out at the ceremony the Army Achievement Medal, the Commander's Award for Civilian Service, the Certificate of Appreciation, and several other awards.
Honoree Dr. Katherine Moore, who received the Commander's Award for Civilian Service, echoed the sentiments expressed by other recipients when she remarked how she attributes her successes to a strong and enthusiastic team.
Reflecting on his award, Walter Orellana shared, "I would like to thank my MRMC family for the support they have shown me, enabling me to receive this recognition of achievement. This award exemplifies 'team' because the combination of the Command and my family made this all possible."
Ceremony attendees continued to celebrate team camaraderie at a tailgate-themed potluck immediately following the ceremony. Staff members brought their favorite foods, from chicken and sandwiches to cupcakes and brownies.