New Year Kicks Off with Change of Command

The U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command and Fort Detrick changed command Jan. 11, with Maj. Gen. James K. Gilman turning the reins over to Brig. Gen. (promotable) Joseph Caravalho Jr., in a ceremony at the Odom Fitness Center.
The change of command ceremony also marked Gilman's Army retirement, culminating a distinguished 35-year-career. Gilman was the USAMRMC and Fort Detrick commander since 2009.
Army Surgeon General and Commander of the U. S. Army Medical Command Lt. Gen. Patricia D. Horoho served on the official party and provided remarks, thanking Gilman for his "exceptional" service and ensuring him that his legacy will live on as he embarks on retirement.
"During Maj. Gen. Gilman's tenure as commander, the USAMRMC has been changing battlefield medicine," said Horoho. "The survival rate of those wounded on the battlefield far exceeds 90 percent and continues to go up. Much of the credit for that belongs here at USAMRMC and to its leaders, who are committed to ensuring that we will protect our warriors and restore them to health."
Horoho added, "While we are losing one of our great Soldier leaders, we know that another leader with equally impressive credentials will continue to lead this team. Brig. Gen. (promotable) Joseph Caravalho Jr. understands that the good health of our Soldiers and their families demands careful and faithful attention to an infinite array of small details."
Gilman echoed Horoho's faith in incoming commander Caravalho. In his remarks, Gilman thanked family, friends, and colleagues, and also spoke about the honor and duty of leadership.
Said Gilman, "USAMRMC was never really 'my' command. It was simply a gift I was charged to use to accomplish a mission but also to do all that I could to make it even better than it was when it was handed to me. In this context, it gives me great pleasure to see the gift of the USAMRMC command bestowed upon Joe and Lorraine Caravalho, because I know Joe well and I know that he will use the gift wisely and make it even better for the commanders who will follow him."
As a military leader, Caravalho has had a variety of operational experiences, including deployments in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. His most recent assignment was serving as the commanding general of the Northern Regional Medical Command.
He earned his medical doctorate from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences School of Medicine in Bethesda, Md. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts in mathematics from Gonzaga University in Spokane, Wash., and a master's degree in strategic studies from the Army War College. His medical specialty training includes internal medicine, nuclear medicine and cardiology. His military training includes Army Airborne and Flight Surgeon schools, as well as Navy Dive Medical Officer and SCUBA courses. He has also earned Special Forces and Ranger tabs, and the Expert Field Medical Badge.
"I give you my solemn word that I will do absolutely everything within my power to adeptly and honorably serve the fine men and women of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command and to accomplish the missions assigned to me," Caravalho said, during the ceremony. "I make this commitment not only to you but also to the warriors and to their families. I will ensure our personnel are well prepared to deliver top quality work at home and abroad, and I will make it my personal goal to develop leaders at all levels to take Army Medicine forward well into the future."