Ray Set to Face New Challenges

"Honored and truly blessed," that's how Capt. LaShawnna N. Ray, U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research Company Command, feels about her new assignment that she has held for the last month. "I look forward to facing the challenges that come with this position and learning from them."
Ray took command of the USAISR Company July 28 and is impressed with what she calls "remarkable" work being conducted at the Institute.
"Walking around and seeing what the Soldiers and civilians accomplish here is amazing" she said. "I would like to contribute to the greatest that is done here every day."
Every influential leader has a philosophy and Ray's is simple.
"Be the change," she said. "We cannot control or change everything in the world, but we can control/change ourselves. Alone one person can't change anything ' a recognition and responsiveness that unjust influence can be reversed only by great numbers of people working together with discipline and persistence."
One of her favorite quotes is from Mahatma Gandi that she turns to when she needs inspiration.
"If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. We need not wait to see what others do."
She is also able to rely on her family for inspiration.
"My family has always told me that I could do anything if I put my mind to it, even when I wasn't sure of myself," said Ray. "My husband has been my rock. He has definitely motivated me, encouraged me, and loved me beyond what I have ever imagined."
Ray wants the USAISR Soldiers and staff to know that they can expect loyalty from her, and she expects the same.
"My number one focus right now is the ISR and finding ways that I can make it even better," she said.