Husband and Wife Soldier Team Completes Disney World Marathon Challenge

The Walt Disney World Marathon is the finale to a weekend of endurance events at Disney World in Orlando, Fla. In all, more than 55,000 runners participate in various events held throughout the weekend. The race typically attracts 40 percent first-time marathoners, some Disney fanatics, as well as others drawn in by the festive atmosphere that surrounds the event. On Saturday, Jan. 13, more than 25,000 runners finished the Disney World Half Marathon, and nearly 5,000 of these participants completed "Goofy's Race and a Half Challenge," running both the half and full marathons back-to-back.
Lt. Col. Deydre Teyhen and Col. John Teyhen competed in the Goofy Challenge, which consisted of the half marathon on Saturday followed by the full marathon on Sunday. Lt. Col. Teyhen placed second in the full marathon and sixth in the half marathon in the Military category.