2014 ICSPP Comes to a Close

The 2014 International Congress on Soldiers' Physical Performance wrapped up its 3rd successful conference event in Boston, Massachusetts, on Thursday, Aug. 21.
Hosted for the first time by the U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, a subordinate command of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, the 2014 ICSPP marked not only the 3rd congress year, but more specifically the first successful ICSPP event to be hosted in the United States. The 3rd ICSPP turned out to be the most successful year-to-date; with an all-time high of 375 total attendees and, most importantly, undeniable attendee enthusiasm throughout the Westin Boston Waterfront halls during the four-day symposium.
"The 3rd ICSPP was centered on the Soldier - the individual service member," said Dr. Bradley Nindl, scientific advisor and physiologist at the U.S. Army Public Health Command and co-chair of the ICSPP. As countries around the globe respond to current and emerging threats to their National Security, it is becoming increasingly clear that ensuring optimal human performance of military personnel is critical; "we must ensure optimal physical readiness, health and resiliency for the key enabler of all Warfighting systems - the Soldier," said Nindl.
The 1st ICSPP was organized by the Department of Biology of Physical Activity at the University of Jyvaskyla and the Finnish Defence Forces in cooperation with the Conseil International du Sport Militaire in 2005. The success of the first conference event, as well as the established need for developing greater scientific understanding about Soldiers' performance, was the catalyst for Finland organizing the 2nd ICSPP in 2011. Since that time, the purpose and challenge is to have a congress every three years.
"As we move forward with a focus on the human dimension of Soldiering, the key to our scientific success, the game changer and what will prove to be transformative will be the extent to which we can operationalize and disseminate our scientific knowledge for the benefit of our Soldiers on the ground," said Nindl.
The 3rd ICSPP wrapped up with a closing ceremony Thursday evening, Aug. 21, where attendees enjoyed a final meal together before going their separate ways to return home.
Overall... "The congress was phenomenally successful with a record attendance," responded Nindl when asked if his expectations for the 3rd ICSPP had been met. "The scientific exchange and dialogue that occurred at the 3rd ICSPP established strategic collaborative partnerships and will set research directions for years to come."
The 4th ICSPP is officially a "green light;" set to be held in Melbourne, Australia, in 2017.