USAMMDA Presents Awards to USAMRAA Employees

Kathy Berst, U.S. Army Medical Materiel Development Activity deputy commander of acquisition presented five Commander's Awards for Civilian Service and 10 Certificates of Appreciation to U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity employees at the Community Activities Center, Fort Detrick, Md., March 19.
USAMMDA leadership recognized award recipients for their valuable and hard work.
"The USAMRAA team manages the solicitation, award, administration and close out of contracts that allow us to partner with industry to accomplish our mission and deliver new products to the service member,' said Berst. "The USAMRAA team consists of procurement technicians, contracting specialists, contracting officers and many other specialties that are all required to support those contract awards.'
Amber Baughman, director of the USAMMDA Administrative Services Division, played a critical role coordinating the tribute. Baughman explained how the relationship between the two organizations became a partnership, and one could not exist without the other.
"At USAMMDA, we are bridging the gap between 'us and them.' We have experienced a paradigm shift and now we are more unified with USAMRAA,' said Baughman. "We understand their challenges and they understand ours and we are moving forward together.'
Berst explained how the work performed by those recognized saves the lives of soldiers.
"The USAMRAA team awards highlighted impressive accomplishments including, contract award within 24 hours for lifesaving countermeasures, contract support for a new diagnostic that will be fielded in the near future, award of assistance agreements for novel new technologies to fully rehabilitate and restore service members suffering from traumatic injuries, and award of contracts for products required to treat hemorrhage in a battlefield setting,' said Berst.
"Contracting teams are often accused of delaying program schedules and just saying "no" but the USAMRAA team has demonstrated that they can comply with the Federal Acquisition Regulations yet remain flexible to the program's requirements, award urgent contracts expeditiously for lifesaving products and always negotiate agreements that are in the best interest of the Government,' said Berst.
Recipients of the Commander's Award for Civilian Service included: Amanda Best, Kelly Green, Dana Kavitski, Shannyn Scassero and Barry Sayer. Recipients of the Certificate of Appreciation included Ron Antonio, Burzie Baker, Elena Bane, Micaela Bowers, Michelle Byrd, Wanda Harper, Gay Hayden, Brenda Mena, Vera Pollard and Capt. Dieu Rushbrook.