USAMMCE hosts annual Eggstravaganza

Children participate in the USAMMCE annual Eggstravaganza April 25 in Pirmasens, Germany.
(Photo Courtesy of U.S. Medical Materiel Center, Europe)
In Pirmasens, Germany, members of the U.S. Medical Materiel Center, Europe transformed the command's running track and open shed into a playground for their annual Eggstravaganza April 25.
Nearly 60 children from the local orphanage and USAMMCE families participated in the annual egg hunt and enjoyed jumping on a bouncy castle, playing games and riding go carts. The local fire department brought a fire truck for the children kids to see and experience sitting inside.
Since the first annual Eggstravaganza in 2008, USAMMCE has sponsored the event each year after Easter in order to give back to their community. The event always falls after Easter due to the busy schedule the children have during the holiday.
Last Modified Date: 22-May-2023