USAMMCE New Year's Reception 2015
The U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center, Europe hosted its Annual New Year's reception Jan. 24.
The USAMMCE commander, Col. Erik G. Rude, welcomed approximately 120 guests from the host
nation government, local communities and German and U.S. military leaders.
The U.S. Army Europe Band and Chorus Brass Quintet provided the music. Pictured in photo from left to right, Karl Schuetz, Fasching-Season elected Princess Bianca (Bianca Heber), COL Erik G. Rude and Fasching-Season elected Princess Sophia (Sophia Hagan). (Photo by Renate Otto, USAMMCE visual information specialist)
The U.S. Army Europe Band and Chorus Brass Quintet provided the music. Pictured in photo from left to right, Karl Schuetz, Fasching-Season elected Princess Bianca (Bianca Heber), COL Erik G. Rude and Fasching-Season elected Princess Sophia (Sophia Hagan). (Photo by Renate Otto, USAMMCE visual information specialist)
Last Modified Date: 22-May-2023