USAMRICD employees receive FEB awards

Several employees of the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense were presented with Baltimore Federal Executive Board awards at the organization's annual luncheon May 1.
USAMRICD's employees took home a total of ten awards - two gold, three silver and five bronze.
"This year's award winners represent the excellence in scientific research and support demonstrated daily by MRICD employees," said Col. Roman Bilynsky, the institute's commander.
The institute's Inhalation Toxicology Team - consisting of Dr. Alfred Sciuto, Dr. Michael Perkins, Dr. Benjamin Wong, Jennifer Devorak, Robin Deckert, Jannitt Simons, and Spec. Antonio Gutierrez, as well as contractors Ashley Rodriguez, Jaclynn Andres and Justin Tressler - received gold in Category 3b, Outstanding Para-Professional (Non-Supervisory) Technical, Scientific and Program Support - Team. The win recognized the team's outstanding scientific accomplishments, extensive development of cutting edge approaches for inhalation studies, and continued dedication to government service, all of which have led to significant advancements in the field of chemical and biological defense.
Spec. Peter D'Antuono received USAMRICD's second gold in the Category 7a, Heroism - Individual Heroic Act. D'Antuono used his combat medic skills to take lifesaving steps to revive an injured driver after he witnessed a car crash. In another act of bravery, D'Antuono noticed a house fire on his way home from work, stopped and ensured the residence was free of occupants. He then entered the house and attempted to put out the attic fire with his personal fire extinguisher prior to the fire department arriving on the scene.
Among the silver winners from the USAMRICD were Capt. Jeffrey Havens, chief, Pharmacology Branch and chief, Collaborative Research Facility, in Category 1b, Outstanding Supervisor - GS-12 and below; Dr. Albert Ruff, a principal investigator whose significant scientific contributions have resulted in two patent applications (one awarded in 2014) and twelve peer-reviewed journal publications, in Category 2a, Outstanding Professional (Non-Supervisory) Technical, Scientific and Program Support; and Diana Phillips, the principal administrative support services assistant in the Chemical Casualty Care Division, in Category 4a, Outstanding Administrative Assistant/Management Assistant - Individual.
Bronze awards were received by Gregory Smith, the institute's safety manager, in Category 1a, Outstanding Supervisor - GS-13 and above; Larry Presley, safety and occupational health specialist, in Category 3a, Outstanding Para-Professional (Non-Supervisory) Technical, Scientific and Program Support; the S4 Transition Team (Thomas Hott, Carter Bender, Martin Simon and Jeff Hinte), in Category 4b, the Administrative Assistant/Management Assistant - Work Group or Team; Kenneth Snyder, retired chief of the USAMRICD's Logistics Office (S4), in Category 9, Distinguished Public Service Career; and Dr. Michael Hepperle, principal investigator, Category 10b, Rookie Employee of the Year - Technical, Scientific and Program Support.