USAMRMC Participates in First-ever DOD Lab Day

Showcasing the Army's most advanced medical research, development and technology, the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command participated in the first DOD Lab Day at the Pentagon May 14.
The event featured more than 100 displays from research and development labs throughout the DOD. More than 40 experts from the Army, Navy, and Air Force demonstrated their various products and programs for hundreds of visitors, including numerous congressional and DOD leadership, as well as students and Pentagon employees.
The joint medical exhibit included products and research demonstrating how DOD medical labs support military members throughout pre-deployment, deployment, rapid responses to global issues and rehabilitation. Exhibit highlights included infectious disease research, trauma care and battlefield medicine breakthroughs, aeromedical research, DOD Ebola response efforts, regenerative medicine and prosthetics advancements, brain injury research and chemical/biological education.
"The research that is being conducted at the USAMRMC is not only critical to the health and well-being of the nation's Warfighters, but also impacts the lives of civilians," said Maj. Gen. Brian C. Lein, commanding general of the USAMRMC and Fort Detrick and deputy for Medical Systems to the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisitions, Logistics, and Technology. "Clinicians in the civilian setting are taking the science and technology coming from DOD labs in areas, such as rehabilitative medicine, trauma care and infectious disease research, and are using it to save lives on a daily basis."
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisitions, Technology and Logistics Frank Kendall hosted the event. Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work provided opening remarks and emphasized the importance of highlighting the military's achievements in science and research.
"Technological superiority is not an American birthright," said Work. "We must continue to innovate to protect our country."