MHSRS Kicks Off in Kissimmee

The 24th annual Military Health System Research Symposium kicked-off this morning in Kissimmee, Florida.
The MHSRS is the Nation's only scientific meeting focused on the unique medical needs of the Warfighter, created with the clear purpose of inspiring communication and collaboration. It is a scientific forum for learning; serving as a unique opportunity for military medical providers, Department of Defense scientists, academia and industry to exchange information on research advancements and health care developments in the areas of Combat Casualty Care, Military Operational Medicine, Clinical and Rehabilitative Medicine and Military Infectious Disease Research Programs.
Today's morning plenary session included not only an opening keynote address by Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs Dr. Karen S. Guice focusing on "Military Medicine: Are we ready? And what does research have to do with it?" but went on to feature such highlighted speakers as Maj. Gen. Barbara R. Holcomb, commanding general of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command; Rear Adm. Colin G. Chinn, Director, Research, Development and Acquisition for the Defense Health Agency and Deputy Commander of the USAMRMC; 711th Human Performance Wing Commander Brig. Gen. Mark A. Koeniger; Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences President Richard Thomas; and Dr. John Holcomb from the Center for Translational Injury Research, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.
MHSRS attendance continues to grow, with abstract submissions this year surpassing records set previously in 2015. Of the four poster sessions that will take place throughout the four days of this year's symposium, a whopping 1,047 total poster presentations will be shown. Attendees will also have the opportunity to visit the MHSRS' largest-ever exhibit hall, showcasing nearly 90 exhibitors, as well as choose from a record-high 44 scientific breakout sessions to attend.
With a jam-packed schedule of events planned over the next four days, there is no doubt that the 2016 symposium will prove to be the most successful MHSRS yet.
Stay tuned for live updates from this year's event via social media, Facebook and Twitter, #MHSRS2016.