Fort Detrick and USAMRMC Leadership Attend Fort Detrick Alliance Annual Dinner

Leadership from Fort Detrick attended the Annual Fort Detrick Alliance Dinner Jan. 6 in Frederick, Maryland.
The Fort Detrick Alliance is a non-profit organization facilitating "communication and understanding between federal agencies at Fort Detrick and the community at large."
Maj. Gen. Brian C. Lein, U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command and Fort Detrick commanding general, provided the keynote address for the event, as he had done for the year prior.
"When I came here last year, I told you 2014 was an incredibly busy year," said Lein. "2015 was even busier, even more exciting and even more challenging for what happened at Fort Detrick."
Also in attendance at the dinner was Fort Detrick U.S. Army Garrison Commander Col. Robert O'Brien, USAMRMC Principal Assistant for Research and Technology Dr. John Frazier Glenn, USAMRMC Command Sgt. Maj. David M. Rogers and Fort Detrick U.S. Army Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. Franklin D. Jordan.
Glenn, who retired from the USAMRMC in December after 45 years supporting the Nation, was honored at the dinner for his contributions to Fort Detrick.