Medical Technology Transfer Office Exhibit Pays Dividends

(Courtesy photo)
The U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command Medical Technology Transfer Office is reaping near-immediate benefit from taking part this summer in the world's largest biotech conference.
The BIO International Convention attracted more than 15,000 biotechnology and pharma leaders in a week of networking in San Francisco in June. The USAMRMC headquarters and laboratory personnel from U.S Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, U.S. Army Medical Materiel Development Activity, U.S. Army Center for Environmental Health Research, and the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research exhibited.
BIO International Conventions advance the Army's mission by enabling Army to showcase its medical research technologies and capabilities to potential industry partners.
The benefit here, says technology transfer office marketing and communication analyst Thomas Houze, Ph.D., was to "make the world aware of our capabilities in life science and biodefense technologies available for licensing."
The effort is paying dividends now, as negotiations are underway to take technologies from discovery in the lab to effective end user products.
For more information, contact the USAMRMC Medical Technology Transfer Office at 301-619-2085.