USAMMA Graduates 100th Class from Medical Logistics Management Internship Program

The U.S. Army Medical Materiel Agency, a subordinate agency of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, honored its 100th graduating class of the Medical Logistics Management Internship Program during a ceremony at Fort Detrick, Maryland, June 19.
USAMMA Commander Col. Lynn Marm provided opening remarks, while 3M Health Care Business Group Director of Government Operations Michael S. McDonald served as the graduation guest speaker.
"Our world is ever changing and America's military will always be called upon to defend our Nation and many throughout the world," said McDonald. "The level of training and leadership development this class has been exposed to, and the expectation to deliver superior logistics, is clearly the standard. They will be relied upon on being the 'difference factor' of the next engagement, wherever and whenever that may occur."
The MLMIP is a six-month program hosted at the USAMMA that strives to create strong medical logisticians. The course provides instructional programming on advanced technology; modern business practices and management techniques; Department of Defense systems and processes; DOD and civilian health care logistics; medical logistics support; and materiel acquisition. Attendees include mid-career medical logistics officers, warrant officers, noncommissioned officers and civilians.
"Part of my leadership philosophy is to clearly articulate direction, purpose and provide quality training while seeking new and innovative experiences to enhance the learning environment," said LaTrish Jones, USAMMA's MLMIP coordinator. "MLMIP class 100 got the chance to travel to a variety of locations and interact with leaders both inside and external to the government. I am confident that these opportunities contributed to their learning experience and helped further develop them into well-rounded medical logisticians and strong Army leaders."
Since the MLMIP's establishment in 1967, 482 Army officers, four Navy officers, 11 warrant officers, 142 noncommissioned officers and four civilians have completed the program. The newest graduates include:
- Maj. Gary Freeman, Jr.
- Capt. Jessie Hart
- Sgt. 1st Class Frenchlyn Gill
- Staff Sgt. (P) Lamont Mitchell
- Staff Sgt. (P) Roylon Allen
"What I appreciated the most about the MLMIP program was the ability to go out and see some of the best practices in industry, to determine if they could apply in a military medical logistics setting," said Hart, MLMIP class leader and distinguished graduate. "I feel like I truly benefited from meeting individuals that I can reach back to in the future to seek advice and specialized guidance."
To learn about the MLMIP program, visit: