USAMMA Program Manager Creates Volleyball Club to Help Local Youth

Playing great volleyball takes heart, but shouldn't cost an arm and a leg.
That's the philosophy of Terri Pryor, the project manager of Integrated Clinical Systems at the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Agency. When Pryor isn't coaching her team at the USAMMA on how to procure medical equipment for the Army, she is training young men and women in Washington County, Maryland, and the surrounding areas who are passionate about volleyball – but may not have the funds to join an expensive club. Most families in Washington County and its surrounding areas earn an annual income of about $25,000.
Pryor and two friends recently started a non-profit volleyball club called the Liberty Elite Volleyball Club. The name sounds exclusive but, as Pryor explained, the club is about creating an environment where young players have the freedom to become their best.
"Washington County has more than 14,000 children in fourth through 12th grade. Many of these families cannot afford to place their kids in sporting activities due to the cost. Our goal is to be able to provide clinics free of charge, or at the lowest cost possible, to the youth in our area in order to promote health, fitness, character development and build self-esteem; along with the opportunity to experience, develop and grow within the sport of volleyball," said Pryor.
The LEVBC has hosted four volleyball clinics since its inception earlier this year, with plans for at least eight more clinics this season, running through October. The LEVBC has also partnered with four local universities, including West Virginia University, Frostburg State, Shippensburg University and Middle Georgia State, to provide volleyball coaches for clinics. The coaches are additional mentors for the aspiring players and provide valuable advice on college-level sports opportunities. Ultimately, Pryor said the club's purpose is to develop the individual skill level of every player, while providing them with the opportunity to perform at a high level.
"In many ways, coaching volleyball is very similar to leading the ICS team," added Pryor. "The goal with both groups is to develop each individual's skill level by providing them with opportunities and an environment where they can perform to their highest potential."