USAMRMC, Israeli Collaborations Continue

The sense of momentum and collaboration was at an all-time high as the 18th U.S. and Israel Defense Forces Shoresh conference drew to a close on March 29.
The meeting hosted by the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command kicked off on March 27 in Rockville, Maryland. There were 61 Israeli and 332 U.S. military participants that provided 290 presentations during the conference making it the most highly attended Shoresh to date.
U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command and Fort Detrick Commanding General Maj. Gen. Barbara R. Holcomb provided closing remarks on the success of the conference this year.
"I have not been able to attend every presentation during the conference, but the ones that I was able to join, I was impressed by the quality and the depth of the presentations and discussions that followed," said Holcomb during the executive outbrief. "Shoresh is a very valuable conference to the MRMC."
Attendees participated in eight concurrent working groups including chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense; infectious diseases; post-traumatic stress disorder and behavioral sciences; physiological stress; combat casualty care; naval medicine; forensic pathology/identification of victims of mass casualty events; and aerospace medicine.
"This was the best Shoresh conference we have ever had," said Israeli Defense Forces Lt. Col. Adi Leiba. "The atmosphere was collaborative; the logistics were so smooth; and the science exchange was vital to both of our militaries."
Two of the sessions included site visits. The CBRN Defense working group visited the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense located at the U.S. Army Aberdeen Proving Ground Edgewood Area, and the Combat Casualty Care working group went to the Center for the Sustainment of Trauma and Readiness Skills in Baltimore, Maryland.
The visits allowed attendees to see U.S. military research capabilities in-person and to see ideas discussed during previous meetings put into practice.
Over 65 actionable items were initially identified that consist of potential areas for collaboration/information exchange and potential for individuals to participate in or observe future training exercises.
Actions fall under one or multiple of the following categories: Data Exchange Agreements, Cooperative Research and Development Agreements, Material Transfer Agreements, Patent License Agreements, Clinical Trial Agreements, Test and Evaluation Agreements, Project Arrangements, Memoranda of Agreement, Contracts and Assistance Agreements, and Engineer and Scientist Exchange Program.
"As we move forward, our work plan should be practical and applicable, "said Israeli Defense Forces Surgeon General Brig. Gen. David J. Dagan. "The work started at Shoresh and continued afterwards is vital to both of our nations. I look forward to our continuing our friendship and collaboration."
Following the Executive Outbrief, Israel extended the offer to host the next Shoresh in 2019.