USAMRMC Makes Vital Connections at European Biotech Meeting

Dr. Kenneth Bertram, Principal Assistant for Acquisition for the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, led the USAMRMC's presence at the 2017 BioEurope meeting in Berlin, Germany, Nov. 5-8. This year's meeting hosted more than 4,000 attendees from 2,200 companies in 61 countries. Delegates took part in more than 24,000 one-to-one meetings and conducted over 150 company presentations. Dawn Rosarius, Deputy Principal Assistant for Acquisition, provided a presentation on partnership opportunities with the U.S. Army with a focus on biomarkers and imaging.
Over the course of the meeting, USAMRMC representatives attended plenary sessions, interacted with vendors and conducted in-depth discussions with more than 22 potential partners on products which have the potential to fill existing capability gaps to include novel drug delivery platforms, regenerative medicine treatments, and innovative approaches to managing pain. Follow-up with contacts from the 2015 BioEurope meeting resulted several initiatives with the potential to further the USAMRMC mission to include collaborative agreements and a cost sharing award on a novel regenerative medicine technology through the Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium.
"Our focus at BioEurope is to identify innovative medical products that have the potential to fill existing Warfighter capability gaps," said Bertram.