USAMRMC Presents at AUSA Innovator's Corner

The U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command presented to Army and industry leaders at the 2017 Association of the United States Army Innovator's Corner in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 9-11.
AUSA is an annual comprehensive military exhibition and professional development event held exclusively for members of the Army and affiliate scientists, vendors, and contractors. AUSA provides informative and relevant presentations on the state of the Army, panel discussions and seminars on pertinent military and national security subjects, and a variety of networking events available to all that attend.
The Innovator's Corner displayed innovative, cutting-edge Science and Technology projects, developed by or in partnership with Army laboratories. It also provided conference participants an opportunity to interface with senior Army S&T leaders and learn about their organizations' capabilities and priorities. The Innovator's Corner also provides a forum to discuss critical technical challenges facing Army scientists and engineers.
As part of the event's overall focus on the theme of "building readiness," chosen speakers were asked to present material related to key innovations in their particular fields.
Maj. Gen. Barbara R. Holcomb, commanding general of the USAMRMC and Fort Detrick, provided the keynote address on the second day of the Innovator's Corner.
"Because our military may be called upon at a moment's notice to serve anywhere in the world, it is our duty to develop, acquire and sustain the tools necessary to protect and save our Service Members, no matter where they are deployed or what mission they may face. Our first priority is always readiness of our Soldiers," said Holcomb.
USAMRMC products highlighted at the Innovator's Corner included: Neural controlled prosthetics, DP-14 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, I-Portal PAS Device, Medical Hands-Free Ultra-Wideband Broadcast and the Compensatory Reserve Index. USAMRMC's Technology Transfer office also spoke about how to partner with the Army.
Other speakers included: Steffanie Easter, acting assistant secretary of the Army for acquisition, logistics and technology; Maj. Gen. Robert M. Dyess, Army Capabilities Integration Center director; and Maj. Gen. Cedric T. Wins, Army Research, Development and Engineering Command commanding general.