USAMMA Hosts Change of Command Ceremony

The U.S. Army Medical Materiel Agency, a subordinate agency of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, hosted a Change of Command ceremony at Fort Detrick, Maryland, Aug. 10, where Col. Lynn Marm relinquished command to Col. Timothy Walsh.
The official party for the ceremony included USAMRMC and Fort Detrick Commander Maj. Gen. Barbara R. Holcomb, who reflected on USAMMA's fast-paced operational tempo throughout the past two years. She highlighted how USAMMA has both a strategic and operational mission, and tends to get pulled in many different directions. Nevertheless, the USAMMA team stepped up to many challenges and never failed to provide strategic medical logistics support worldwide.
"Lynn led well through change. She is smart, strategic and never forgets her number one asset – her people," said Holcomb. "Many who know Lynn describe her as extraordinarily strategic. Whether it is because she is the daughter of any Army intelligence officer or because she played a lot of chess growing up, Lynn has an innate ability to see two or three moves ahead. And this skill served her well."
Marm responded to the praise by passing it along to her USAMMA team.
"In all the days that we served together, they never once succumbed to a defeatist attitude. Never made excuses. They worked harder, longer, gave more," said Marm, who will continue her Army career at the Office of the Army Surgeon General as the Director of Logistics. "The truth is that I tried every day, with all my might, to keep pace with this tremendous team."
Marm and Walsh are both medical logisticians who have each served in the Army for more than 25 years – but that isn't the only thing they have in common. Both also have twin siblings. Marm's twin sister Kim attended the ceremony and was seen holding up a phone throughout the event as she orchestrated a live video teleconference for Marm's father, Stuart Harrington, a retired Army intelligence officer.
Walsh comes to USAMMA after serving as commander of the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center – Europe where, according to Holcomb, he maintained a reputation as a "calm, present and approachable leader" who emphasizes professional development and teamwork.
"I learned about teamwork and the value of battle buddies when I was born. I had one issued to me – my brother, Tom," Walsh said, referencing his twin brother who could not attend the ceremony.
Walsh then turned his remarks to the USAMMA team and thanked them for warmly welcoming him and his family.
"I will strive every single day to give my best," promised Walsh, "and I ask of the same from you in return."