USAMRDC Chief of Staff Hosts Teams Town Hall

On Monday, June 22, Col. Deborah Whitmer, Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC), hosted a Town Hall utilizing the MS Teams platform. More than 270 individuals connected virtually to the collaborative site for a discussion on topics of interest.
Whitmer and USAMRDC Deputy Chief of Staff Dr. Sarah Donahue provided guidance, took audience questions, and discussed a range of topics including COVID-19 response efforts, congressional updates, the effort to return staff to the workplace, and USAMRDC's Campaign Plan.
"We embrace every bit of the contribution that we can provide for the DOD with the many assets we have here," said Whitmer during comments on USAMRDC's role in the fight against COVID-19. "And we do that mainly via our three main lines of effort, which are to detect, to treat, and to prevent."
The full recording of the event is available at: