USAMRICD holds induction ceremony for new noncommissioned officers

Five recently promoted sergeants at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense (USAMRICD) were inducted into the Noncommissioned Officers (NCO) Corps in a traditional ceremony on February 9. The event marks an important milestone in their Army careers as they take their places as leaders with the responsibility to guide and develop junior enlisted Soldiers.
USAMRICD's newest NCOs are Sgts. Natalia Irizarry Hernandez, Austin Lewis, Elizabeth Melendez, Taylor Pierce and Kevin Taylor.
Command Sgt. Maj. Victor Laragione of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command, MRICD's headquarters, was the ceremony's guest speaker.
He described the many responsibilities of an NCO and noted that much more is required of an NCO today than when he first donned his stripes. He cautioned the new sergeants that they won't fully become NCOs by simply by putting on the stripes; they must continue to train and develop their skills.
"But now, as a sergeant, in this new role," he added, "your focus shifts to the development of others. It's now your job to help your subordinates grow so they have the skills to take your job."
He also gave the new NCOs some advice: lead with respect and to treat everyone as they would like their family members to be treated; truly be an example of the Army values for their Soldiers; stay informed about what is happening in the Army with respect to new doctrine, new policies, and new programs so they can fully support and assist their Soldiers; know their Soldiers' strengths and weaknesses and understand them as individuals to know how to challenge them to make them better; "get smart" on preparation and recovery, fitness, and nutrition; and practice some form of self-reflection as a way to grow and become more successful.