Sanchez Takes Reigns at Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment

Members of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment office participated in a Change of Responsibility Ceremony at Fort Detrick, Maryland, on April 6. As per tradition, incoming Detachment Sergeant Sfc. Evan Sanchez officially took control of the post from outgoing Detachment Sergeant Sfc. Daniel Cruz.
"He's led the team through two-and-a-half years of constant change," said HHD Commander Capt. James Hunt during opening remarks, commenting directly on Cruz's 30-month stint as Detachment Sergeant. "Each of these [changes] come with their own problem sets, but he's remained strong and steadfast throughout."
An integral part of the Command structure, the HHD office is tasked with managing day-to-day Soldier health and well-being, and is charged with producing and arranging a number of Command-wide events and activities.
During his own personal statement to the assembled USAMRDC staffers and members of leadership gathered inside the Fort Detrick Auditorium, Cruz thanked his family — his wife and three children, all of whom were in attendance — while noting his term in the position helped him realize his passion of helping Soldiers accomplish their respective goals while shepherding them through various life and professional challenges.
"I learned more from you than you learned from me," said Cruz in a specific nod to the non-commissioned officers he worked with over the past several years. "It wasn't always pretty, but we always got the job done."
Sanchez delivered similar remarks to the crowd, focusing mainly on his desire to build upon Cruz's success in the position while additionally delivering his own brand of energy, creativity, and drive. Sanchez was joined by his wife and three children.
"I will strive to maintain excellence and continuity in this position," said Sanchez. "I look forward to growing and learning from each and every one of you."