DCSHR/G1, Information & Updates

Ethan Quist
Computer Engineer
"Pride and confidence will set any engineer up for success in a lot of other aspects of life. The confidence you get from an engineering degree and a career like one at MRDC lets you know that you're up for any task in front of you."
"Mr. Quist's contributions to our organization in quarter three are remarkable in several ways. I am confident that without Mr. Quist's contributions that TATRC would have been unable to deliver on several mission critical commitments."
– Nathan Fisher
Division Chief, Medical Robotics & Autonomous Systems, TATRC
Division Chief, Medical Robotics & Autonomous Systems, TATRC

"I cannot speak any more highly of Ms. Coral and the contributions she makes to the FHP team. Her diligence and commitment to both USAMMDA and USAMRDC have a direct impact on our mission and our ability to support Warfighters across the globe."
– COL Charles Bane
Director, Force Health Protection Division, USAMMDA
Director, Force Health Protection Division, USAMMDA

"Dr. Vamsi Vasireddy's superior duty performance exemplifies his superb competence and commitment to advancing the worldwide mission of MRDC and WRAIR."
- COL Shannon Lacey
Director, WRAIR
Director, WRAIR

Thomas Lopez
Management Analyst

Bradley Burgan
Safety and Occupational Health Specialist

Jennifer Jackson
Contract Specialist

Michelle Foster
Management Analyst

Deborah Davis
Director, Research Programs Office

Alejandro Lopez-Duke
Civilian Deputy Principal Assistant for Acquisition

Jaime Lee
Biomedical Engineer

Andrew Herbert
Chief, Viral Immunology Branch
General Info
- Decorations, Awards, and Honors: Incentive Awards (Army Regulation 672-20)
- Army Decorations Hierarchy
(PDF 299 KB)
Civilian Personnel
Personnel Demonstration Project:
The Personnel Demonstration Project, implemented at USAMRDC, Fort Detrick, Maryland, experiments with new and different personnel management concepts to determine whether such changes in personnel policy or procedures would result in improved Federal personnel management. Visit the PDP web site.
Civilian Awards:
- USAMRDC HQ On-the-Spot, Special Act, Time-Off Awards Matrix
(PDF 688 KB)
- USAMRDC HQ Honorary Awards Matrix
(PDF 701 KB)
- USAMRDC HQ Recognition Matrix
(PDF 562 KB)
- USAMRDC Subordinate Units and Special Reporting Activities Honorary Awards Matrix
(PDF 705 KB)
- USAMRDC Subordinate Units and Special Reporting Activities Civilian Recognition Matrix
(PDF 560 KB)
Use/Lose Leave (important dates):
- Use or Lose Annual Leave Information
(PDF 48 KB)
Military Personnel
Military Awards:
- USAMRDC Military Awards Program
(PPT 386 KB)
- DA Form 638, Recommendation for Award Instructions
(DOCX 16 KB)
- Recommendation for Award (MSM example)
(PDF 115 KB)
- Recommendation for Award (LOM example)
(PDF 115 KB)
Enlisted Retirements:
- Process for Voluntary Retirements
(PDF 58 KB)
- Example of a DA Form 4187 - Request for Voluntary Retirement
(PDF 63 KB)
- Example of a DA Form 2339 - Application for Voluntary Retirement
(PDF 138 KB)
Officer Retirements:
- Process for Voluntary Retirements
(PDF 64 KB)
- Memo Requesting Voluntary Retirement
(PDF 106 KB)
- Example of a Memo Requesting an Exception to Policy
(PDF 37 KB)
- Army Directive 2012, Designation of the Categories of Health Professions Officers
(PDF 126 KB)
Special Leave Accrual:
- Special Leave Accrual Template
(PDF 148 KB)
- Approved Special Leave Accrual Implementation Guidance
(PDF 566 KB)
Last Modified Date: 19-Jul-2024